Brecon Jazz Club ‘Member 2021 Discount Card’ is just £12 (one person) or £24 (family of 2-3 people)
This provides a discount of approx 20% on Door or Online entry to all monthly Brecon Jazz Club jazz sessions held at the Muse (and occasional other venues), and is valid for 12 months via renewal annually on 1st January. The card also allows members to sign in one guest per membership at the lower ‘member’ rate advertised for the event.
New members are always welcome – join anytime online here CLICK_HERE or on the door, which helps to support the club and its programming. We are entirely dependent on your continuing support and active membership – Thank you all! Not yet a member? – join NOW and get all benefits through to Dec 2020.
Or joint members with Pay Pal here:[wpecpp name=”Joint Membership 2021″ price=”24.00″ align=”center”]