This site is managed by BRECON JAZZ CLUB (CYMRU) on behalf of BRECON JAZZ CIO. Our aim here is to showcase the best of Wales & Borders bands, international jazz musicians & guests throughout the year. We plan and promote other jazz and improvised live music events in South Wales, under the brand of Jazz Club Cymru, and Hot Club Swing.

Brecon Jazz Club stepped forward in 2015/16 when the then commercial operators withdrew from the August Jazz Festival, and for a while, it looked as though the Festival might not continue. ‘Brecon International Festival of Jazz’ (Charity No.1108251) had previously handed the operational reigns over to Hay Festivals in 2009. In 2016 and 2017, after much frantic planning and fundraising everything went ahead anyway (although on a slightly smaller scale), including virtual & hybrid events and festivals in 2020/21, ensuring an unbroken festival profile since 1984.

The Jazz Club has since offered a menu of (around 30-40) summer concerts, workshops and interesting fun activities centred on the splendid centre of town Guildhall Theatre, with two more key town venues, an iconic ‘jazz festival’ space, the Castle Ballroom, and new in the community and music network space, the Muse, and The Foundry used for great music and workshops, expect:

• Friday evening, Castle Hotel Ballroom – Big Band (usually), vocals, dancing – to open the weekend • Saturday evening highlight : Vocal headline and Wales-UK sounds of jazz lineup (Guildhall) and (St Marys), and a carnival parade with free music in the town centre during the day; • Sunday evening highlight : Award-winning rising stars of the horns; special guest (Guildhall) and (St Marys);

There are usually workshops for all ages and levels, in guitar, voice, percussion, and general music-making for all, a potential film screening and discussion, and exhibitions on music and social contexts around jazz.

Full details often get released at the last minute, subject to funding outcomes. You will be the first to know if you are on our mailing list though. Stakeholders in Brecon and the Jazz community are working together to build on the positive partnerships established over the last few years, and to help develop the Festival, which remains acknowledged as unique in the UK Jazz calendar.

Brecon Jazz Club is a trustee of Brecon Jazz CIO (no. 1207811) a registered charity, and we invite the jazz community to register for advance information via our on-going contact pages here (CLICK BUTTON BELOW).  Always welcome are new volunteers, enthusiasts with expressions of interest in joining the team as a Committee member, in a supporting technical role, or just to join in.